For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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LiL Ask Us Anything: “Everything You Want to Know About Being a Female Lawyer But are Too Scared to Ask”

We hope you had a fantastic time at our recent Ask Us Anything panel discussion, which took place on Wednesday, September 27. Our conversation dug into some fascinating topics centered around “Everything You Want to Know About Being a Female Lawyer But are Too Scared to Ask.” The discussion was driven by user-submitted questions in the weeks leading up to the event and those submitted during the event itself. Our panel featured some of our amazing LiL Advisors from Harper Grey, including co-founder Kim Jakeman, KC, Jennifer Woznesensky, and Renee Gagnon, as well as those from Lerners’, including Cynthia Kuehl, Alysia Christiaen, and Zahra Vaid, our moderator-extraordinaire guiding the conversation! In case you missed it, you can catch the recorded session below. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who attended and actively participated in our lively discussion…. more

2022 National Wellness Study – Part V: Ethnic Minorities

This is the fifth post in our series on The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada published by the Université de Sherbrooke, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Canadian Bar Association in December 2022 (the “Report”). The legal profession offers promising opportunities to Canadians, however, it presents its own set of hurdles for individuals of ethnic backgrounds. The “National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada” (the “Report”) underscores these challenges. Legal professionals of an ethnic minority often grapple with heightened psychological distress, depressive symptoms, and burnout. The Report discusses findings related to legal professionals who are ethnic minorities. It highlights differences in psychological health indicators between ethnicized (non-white) legal professionals and their non-ethnicized (white) counterparts. In this blog, we will discuss the findings of the Report as they relate… more

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Legal Practice: Connecting with Clients and Colleagues

What qualities make an excellent lawyer? My observation from practicing for over twenty years is that the best lawyers are not necessarily the ones who got the top grades in law school or secured the most prestigious clerkship. Instead, the most successful lawyers are the ones who understand emotional intelligence and employ it in their practice. They use it to find and keep clients and to work productively with colleagues and staff. They also understand the importance of utilizing this tool when dealing with opposing counsel and during mediations and in court. Not to promote stereotypes, but this skill seems to come more naturally for woman. So what is it and how can­­ you harness it and use it as a superpower? Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize and effectively manage emotions in ourselves and others. It is a… more

The Balancing Act: Why Striving for Work-Life Balance Misses the Point

I hate work-life balance. I realize that statement is a bit controversial and may seem jaded to some. Work-life balance has been the buzz phrase for what seems like the last decade. Everyone seems to be striving for “work-life balance”. And if they are not striving for it, then they ought to be striving for it because it is the great saviour of how professional women can survive their careers. It is nauseating. But before you stop reading (and, for those looking for an employment or career change, before you retract your resume from Lerners LLP), hear me out. There are (I hope) legitimate reasons why I hate “work-life balance”. Here are my top three: 1. When I became the Chair of the firm, I did a number of interviews. Almost all, if not all, of my interviews involved what… more

Celebrating Success: You Deserve It

I recently completed a course for which I am extremely proud. I wanted to share about my accomplishment, but oddly I found myself feeling guilty for it. Should I really share about my achievement? Did I “deserve” to talk about it? Is it really a big deal, which deserves sharing with others? After some contemplation I came to the realization that we, as women, tend to shy away from sharing our accomplishments. This is a problem.   Second guessing ourselves is engrained As women, we often second-guess ourselves. For example, I used to constantly seek the validation or advice of those around me, even for the smallest issues. Perhaps this is engrained from a young age, when females are taught to be submissive, to obey rules, to be polite, and to be quiet. In turn, it seems we are (over… more


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