For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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There is No Such Thing as Balance!

In reading the recent blog of my partner and friend, The Balancing Act: Why Striving for Work-Life Balance Misses the Point, and indeed in discussing the article with her before it was published, I started thinking again about how I rejected the idea of Work-Life Balance years ago, for similar but different reasons as Cynthia. Since many of us may struggle with this concept and the expectations it sets, the connotations it implies, I thought I would share my thoughts in a rebuttal, of sorts. (Not technically a rebuttal, since I agree with her conclusion for slightly different reasons.) First, I not only enjoyed my work, I was ambitious. At the time, I felt that “ambition” was a dirty word for young lawyers, especially young female lawyers but I would not settle for work-life balance. I wanted to work hard… more

Carving Your Own Path to Leadership

It can be daunting to strive for leadership roles in the legal profession. As women, we face certain barriers which impose additional hurdles. There are instances where we are not given the benefit of the doubt, or worse, we are denied a fair and transparent process. For example, there are two instances where I, unfortunately, was pressured to back away from a leadership position. Scenario one involved procuring new applicants to apply to a federal board position of a legal organization. It was encouraged that “all applicants of diverse background and experience” apply. In this particular case, I felt I was a strong candidate – I had past board experience on multiple boards, strong leadership skills, and a proven track record of teamwork and accomplishments. In the event more applicants applied than the allotted slots, there would be a public… more

Goodbye Sunday Scaries, Hello Sunday Serenity

Halloween may now be behind us, but we arguably face something even more terrifying each and every week – the Sunday Scaries. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past few years, the Sunday Scaries are feelings of anxiety or dread that happen the day before heading back to work. According to data collected by LinkedIn, eighty percent of professionals say they experience the Sunday Scaries. While this weekly impending doom may seem inevitable, there are ways to avoid or mitigate these feelings. It may be useful to set boundaries on the weekend and disconnect from your professional email and other accounts. Taking some time on Sundays to practice relaxation and self-care can also be useful to set yourself up for success. Prioritizing sleep and entering the week well-rested can also be helpful. While… more

2022 National Wellness Study – Part VI: Reducing Stigmatization Surrounding Mental Health Issues

This is the sixth post in our series on The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada published by the Université de Sherbrooke, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and the Canadian Bar Association in December 2022 (the “Report”). In this post we will be discussing the stigmatization of mental health issues in the legal profession, as explored in the Report.   What is stigma? The Report outlines three distinct types of stigmas surrounding mental health: Personal stigma refers to our own personal attitudes or emotional responses towards mental health issues. Perceived stigma refers to our individual beliefs about how others think and feel about mental health issues. Internalized stigma refers to our own personal and subjective experience living with mental health issues. Stigma increases the likelihood that individuals will not talk about their mental health… more

So You Need to Have a Difficult Conversation? Here are Some Tips for Gaining Confidence and Comfort

So you need to have a difficult conversation? Perhaps you need to tell a colleague that they are stepping on your toes? Address some feedback with your assistant? Set some boundaries with a partner? If you are like most people I know, the prospect of a difficult conversation going sideways is enough to keep putting up with whatever it is you’re putting up with. Most people report some combination of: “It feels awkward” “I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings/tick them off” “I don’t want to mess up our relationship” more


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