“My one piece of advice to up and coming women lawyers is get involved!! Being a part of the larger legal community through involvement in your firm, the CBA, TLABC or other organizations is a great way to get to know others in similar situations and a great way to expand your network. I volunteer as an Advisor because I have been fortunate throughout the years to form relationships of my own with trusted “advisors” and look forward to giving back in the same way.” -Rose Keith, Life in Law Advisor and Associate Counsel at Harper Grey LLP The Life in Law team is made up of a diverse group of Harper Grey women lawyers who volunteer their time as advisors on a weekly basis answering phone calls, monitoring the live chat on our website and responding to questions through…
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The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.
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We are delighted to announce our support of the free LSAT Intensive course hosted by the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at the Peter A. Allard School of Law. The course is offered by Dr. Hadiya Roderique (author of “Black on Bay Street”) and is an application-based course focused on logic games for black-identifying students who qualify for low-income status.
...read more“Women really need to know we are all going through this together. Even if you are the best lawyer you can possibly be, on any given day you can be thrown a curveball…”
...read moreIn response to the outcry surrounding the ongoing, racially-driven conflict in the United States earlier this summer, Life in Law released a statement aligning ourselves with anti-racism efforts and made a commitment to take action. Since then, we have been exploring effective ways to make an impact in our local community by connecting with organizations that are already making waves and creating lasting and positive change. As part of our first steps, we are delighted to announce our support for the Allard Chapter of the Black Law Students’ Association (BLSA) of Canada at UBC. Along with other chapters nationwide, the BLSA UBC focuses on the challenges faced by the black community in the legal profession and seeks to provide resources and opportunities that will aid in the success of their career and their representation in the community as a whole….
...read moreAs we head into September, many of us are continuing to work remotely. Paperless solutions to traditional problem solving and new technologies allow us to continue working from home not only successfully, but arguably (for some) more efficiently. New technologies are not only allowing us to continue working through these uncertain times in the face of a worldwide pandemic, and they may actually help keep women in law.
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