For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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Please note that your question will not be posted or answered directly. Each question or concern will be considered and addressed topically in a Blog post format.

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So go on, ask us a question

Dear LiL: I often find myself hearing that the gender wage gap is a thing of the past. Is this true or am I right in seeing this as wishful thinking? Signed ~ Doubtful

In May of 2020 the Globe and Mail published an article indicating that female in-house corporate lawyers earn less than men and declared that the gap was not closing. The article titled, “Female in-house corporate lawyers earn less than men and the gap is not closing, study shows” relied on the report authored by The Counsel Network entitled “In-House Counsel Compensation & Career Report 2020”. (Please note, you will have to register to gain access to the report). Sadly, the findings are not surprising. We hear these types of statistics seemingly weekly, not only in the legal sector, but across industries. We have become, dare we say, desensitized to the data. Personally, we are, quite frankly, exasperated by this ongoing discrepancy and lack of progress. We all agree that something must be done. What that something is, and how we… more

Guest blogger, Raminder Hayre, reflects on how the lack of transparency and mentorship in the legal profession can lead to imposter syndrome and eventually anxiety and depression.

Former colleague Kim Jakeman and I were recently chatting about the prevalence of imposter syndrome and the links between the development of imposter syndrome in law school and how important transparency and mentorship is during articles/junior lawyering to combat it. We shared some of our personal struggles and she asked me to write a blog post on the topic. I follow Life in Law and was eager to contribute, I hope you find this post helpful. I am often asked, “How can you have so much confidence as a junior lawyer?” I am always taken aback by the question because I never think that I am “more confident” than my peers – but when I reflect on it perhaps it is because outwardly, I appear to be. However, this has come at a mental cost, and a lot of lonely… more

Kim and Una spill all the lil’ details

Back in August, Life in Law co-founders and Harper Grey partners, Kim Jakeman and Una Radoja sat down for an interview with Allison Wolf to discuss all things LiL. Allison is a senior coach to lawyers across North America and often includes interviews of innovative lawyers on her blog “Attorney with a Life” (visit it here). You won’t want to miss this interview, Kim and Una spill the deets on everything from where the initial idea for Life in Law came from, the Dear LiL Blog, their team of trusted LiL Advisors and everything in between! Check it out here. more

It’s Gender Equality Week!

September 20-26, 2020 marks Gender Equality Week in Canada! It was officially recognized by the passing of Bill C-309, the Gender Equality Week Act, in June of 2018. It’s a week to recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of women and non-binary or gender diverse individuals and communities in Canada. We celebrate the milestones and efforts made by those in this country working toward equality. Read more here. more

Life in Law Advisor Spotlight – Say Hello to Maureen!

“My one piece of advice to up and coming women lawyers is don’t bail too early. Life happens. Other responsibilities may take attention from your career for a time or influence some of your career decisions. In the end, your career can look quite different from what you originally envisioned. But ultimately all of those experiences and responsibilities will bring satisfaction to your life. I have been practicing law continuously since 1983 and have been a partner at Harper Grey for 30 years.  I love my career and the life I’ve built as a lawyer, wife and mother, and I want to tell other women that it can be well worth sticking with it. I volunteer as an advisor to provide insight for all those wondering about future implications of certain career decisions at critical points in life. I’ve had… more


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