For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

You can submit your question using the Blog Submission form below.

Please note that your question will not be posted or answered directly. Each question or concern will be considered and addressed topically in a Blog post format.

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So go on, ask us a question

Dear LiL: As a woman in the practice of law and a strong advocate for others, it is surprising how ineffective I am at fighting for myself. I know I bring value to the table and I work hard enough, why am I being overlooked when my colleagues are being recognized at a quicker pace and how can I make myself seen? Signed ~ Climbing the Ladder

Guest Blogger, Rose Shawlee, discusses the importance of finding a champion when feeling overlooked in your career, and how to better advocate for yourself. more

Dear LiL: I have come back from maternity leave and having trouble getting back into the swing of things and re-establishing my practice – any advice on how to make this transition successful? Signed ~ Back in the Saddle

Dear Back in the Saddle: Coming back from maternity leave can be tricky. You may face the competing pressures of wanting to jump right back into work with the mom guilt from being away from your children. Plus, you are often trying to navigate this path while sleep deprived. It is easy to see why it is very overwhelming. My own leave after twins was very short and returning to work in a quiet office environment where I could drink an entire coffee without being peed on was a treat. But I could only do this because of the help I had from my family and our childcare providers. I think the number one most important rule when transitioning back is to try to be kind to yourself. Your life has changed. The demands on your time have changed. You… more

A LiL Book Giveaway!

We are excited to announce our first-ever book giveaway!! One lucky member of the Life in Law community will be receiving Layla F. Saad’s guide to dismantling racism, “Me and White Supremacy”. In case you missed it, Guest Blogger and Harper Grey lawyer, Jaeda Lee, recently returned to the Dear LiL blog to discuss her key takeaways from the book, and how it has changed the way she thinks about systemic racism and the discipline and work that is necessary to truly be an anti-racist. You can read her post on the Dear LiL blog here. It’s easy to enter yourself to win: *First, you must be following Life in Law on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram) *Second, comment on our Book Giveaway post on social media by tagging at least two friends. Each comment will be considered… more

“…Get involved.”

“The practice of law can be really tough and isolating at times. Getting involved with your firm, with the legal profession and with your broader community has an endless number of benefits. It makes practice a bit more fun if you are involved with your firm and really makes you feel like a part of your firm. Getting involved in the legal profession helps you to understand the bigger picture beyond your particular case and helps you to get to know more of your colleagues. Getting involved in your community will help you realize the incredible skill set that you have and how that skill set can be used to help people in your community that are not your clients. Getting involved in your firm, the legal community and the broader community gets your name out there, helps you become… more

Dear LiL: I read your recent post regarding gender wage disparity in the practice of law. As a physician – I hear you! This issue is not exclusive to the legal profession but something I’ve experienced throughout my career as well. Attached is an article published in the CMAJ in August 2020 entitled “Closing the gender pay gap in Canadian medicine”. As lawyers I appreciate your experiences are limited to your field, but do you have any insight to provide regarding this disparity within the world of medicine? Signed ~ Practicing Patience

Dear Practicing Patience: Thank you so much for reaching out. For those of you that are just jumping in, we recently blogged about our interpretation of the in-house counsel compensation survey conducted by The Counsel Network (read that post here). We read with interest the article that you sent along, and can’t say we are surprised to hear that women in the practice of medicine are subject to similar gender pay gaps and systemic biases to those experienced by women in law. Such bias exists across professions and is simply wrong. The article provides a cogent, well-researched explanation for why the wage gap persists in medicine. Of course, studying this issue in the practice of medicine is somewhat easier given there is more transparency with respect to compensation than there is in the practice of law. In Canada this is… more


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