For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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Please note that your question will not be posted or answered directly. Each question or concern will be considered and addressed topically in a Blog post format.

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So go on, ask us a question

The Supreme Court of Canada’s big move to eliminate systemic discrimination and why it is a win for women across the country.

For women, child rearing can be just as much a joy as a heavy burden. Trying to juggle the demands of both parenting and a challenging career (such as one in law) often results in women working at a less than full time capacity or taking time off work. That in turn can have financial and career consequences. The Supreme Court of Canada recently rendered ground-breaking judgment in a case that will help fight the inequality that can result from women having to sacrifice their careers to facilitate caring for their children. The case considered a claim of adverse impact discrimination under s. 15 of the Charter and is the first adverse impact discrimination case that has been successful at the Supreme Court of Canada in over two decades. Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General) concerned a claim by three female… more

Dear LiL – I am having difficulty meeting the expectations of my practice group leader – she is the dreaded “perfectionist”. Any suggestions? Signed ~ Reaching My Limit

Dear Reaching My Limit: I remember a question I would invariably be asked during job interviews was, “what is your worst quality?”. I would answer that I am a perfectionist. To me, it conveyed that I pay attention to detail and take pride in my work, which I do; and hey, that’s not so bad is it? I have realized; however, that I am not a “true perfectionist”.  In the real world, when you are actually working for, or with, a true perfectionist, one who obsessives over everything, it can be challenging. The first thing to remember when working for such an individual is that it is who they are, and it is not personal. My best advice if you find yourself working for someone with these traits is to appreciate the positives and try to see if you can… more

Ready to start including your pronouns?

At the beginning of September, I authored a Dear LiL guest blog post that was focused on the importance of utilizing gender inclusive language in the office (ICYMI you can read that post here – I’ll see you when you get back 😉). In that post, I touched on the fact that we’ve started seeing an increase in people including personal pronouns in their email signature or on social media profiles and how these (seemingly) small gestures can go a long way towards normalizing inclusivity and lessening your chances of misgendering someone. Once my post went live, I started receiving messages of support in addition to questions as to how to format an e-signature line that contains your pronouns. So let’s say I’ve convinced you, and you’re ready to show your pronouns to the world – where do you start?… more

“…aim for excellence, accept that perfection is impossible, learn from your mistakes and move on.”

“The #1 piece of career advice I received was to aim for excellence, accept that perfection is impossible, learn from your mistakes and move on. I go back to this on those days when I want to dwell on a real or perceived shortcoming, or agonize over something I could or should have done better or differently.” – Una Radoja, Life in Law Co-Founder and Partner at Harper Grey LLP Una will be taking part in an online discussion tomorrow evening hosted by CBA WLF to introduce and discuss the Dear LiL blog, alongside co-founder Kim Jakeman. Register for the event here – you won’t want to miss it! more

CBA BC WLF invites Kim and Una to discuss the Dear LiL blog.

We are excited to announce that our friends at CBA BC WLF, are hosting an online “Blog Club” event this Wednesday, November 18th in lieu of their regularly scheduled Fall Book Club. The event invites LiL co-founders and Harper Grey LLP partners, Kim Jakeman and Una Radoja to introduce and discuss our beloved Dear LiL blog alongside Senior Lawyer Coach, Allison Wolf! Click here to read more about the event, you even have the opportunity to email any questions or request a specific blog entry to discuss to the organizers ahead of time. We hope to “see” you there! more


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