For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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Please note that your question will not be posted or answered directly. Each question or concern will be considered and addressed topically in a Blog post format.

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How to Thrive in (and Not Just Survive) a Lengthy Trial

We are delighted to welcome our latest Guest Blogger, Olena Gavrilova to discuss her strategies for success when it comes to thriving (and not just surviving) a lengthy trial. more

When it Comes to Empowering Women, Are We Lacking the Male Voice?

Guest Blogger, Jaeda Lee, returns to the Dear LiL Blog to share her thoughts on an event she recently attended focused on the importance of having women in positions of leadership in law. I recently had the pleasure of attending a virtual event hosted by the Vancouver Bar Association entitled “Empowering Women”. The keynote speaker for the event, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, could not have been a more perfect choice for the role as she was the first woman Chief Justice of Canada. more

“Dear LiL: I will be starting my articles soon and I am very nervous. I don’t know what to expect. Do you have any advice for me starting my articles at the tail-end of the pandemic?” Signed ~ Searching for Guidance

Dear Searching for Guidance: Congratulations on securing articles, and for completing law school during a global pandemic! You have already accomplished a lot and should be proud of yourself. The pandemic has impacted us all in so many different ways. For example, I was not expecting to write my final law school exam in my bedroom nor was I expecting to work-from-home for most of my articles. While I am sure this isn’t the articling experience you expected, know that you are not alone. Starting a new role is nerve-wracking. Starting a new chapter in your life in a global pandemic – well that is another beast all together. The last nine months for me have been interesting, to say the least. Articling is a rigorous experience. Covid-19 added another level of complexity which I was not expecting. However, at… more

Happiness is…Kim Jakeman reflects on ‘The Big Potential’ by Shawn Achor

I began following author Shawn Achor about four years ago when I joined the management committee of Harper Grey LLP. My first exposure was by way of one of the best Ted Talks I have ever watched and will do you a favour and more

The Lasting Impact of the #MeToo Movement

LiL Advisor, Rose Keith QC, wrote an article that was featured in the April 2021 edition of CBA BC’s BarTalk titled, “The Impact of the #MeToo Movement on Labour and Employment”. more


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