For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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LiL Round Up – Our Top 5 Blog Posts from September-December 2021!

Happy New Year everyone! We can’t think of a better way to honor the past than with our second LiL Round Up; a compilation of our top 5 Life in Law Blog posts from the past four months. Check out our full list of posts below: more

“Dear LiL: I’m ashamed to say, as an articling student I feel completely out of my league. This experience has been nothing like I pictured it would be when I was in school, and I have anxiety over the smallest research assignments. My confidence is shot and I’m starting to question if I can do this at all. Any helpful tips on how to get over myself?”

Dear Out of My League: Know you are not alone in how you are feeling. I would hazard a guess that most articling students feel out of their league, at least some of the time. I know I did. It comes with the territory. We learn all sorts of valuable things in law school, but often we still arrive on our first day of articles feeling ill-equipped to tackle the assignments that come our way (let alone the other aspects of articling that we must navigate). I recall one of my very first assignments (as a fresh-faced summer articling student) was drafting an opinion letter for the managing partner. I will admit I was slightly terrified. As I worked on it there was one pesky thought playing on a loop in my head: I’m just a second-year law student, how… more

Imposter Syndrome – Really?

I don’t know about you, but I have spent hours, if not days, of my professional life second guessing myself. It is hard not to when we have all these noises in our head influencing our belief in our capabilities. However, it is not just the noises in our head that are at play. There are concrete examples of biases and societal expectations that are continuing to oppress our development as lawyers and our confidence in the belief we deserve to stand on the front line too. more

Feel Like a Fake?

If you are in your first few years of practice like me, I bet you’ve already been given the spiel: “Don’t quit in the first five years. It gets better”. I used to hear this all the time when I was an articling student and I always thought people were over exaggerating. What’s so hard about this – isn’t it just a job? Nothing can be worse than the LSAT, I am sure I will be fine. more

Bet On Yourself

I love the imagery of “leaning forward” – a catch phrase with so much power behind it. I often use this imagery when I am working out at the gym learning new crossfit circuits but I also use it daily in my work life. The visual of leaning forward reinforces for me that I need to take risks and lean into or commit to a goal. Leadership is all about leaning forward and with the topic of women in leadership getting more and more deserved attention I thought I would highlight an inspiring article by Dr. Margie Warrell. more


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