For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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“Dear LiL: As an articling student I really appreciate feedback on my work – but I’m not sure how to ask for it. Any tips?” Signed ~ Looking to Grow

I was recently told that the only person who can really push you to succeed is yourself. And while it’s not a groundbreaking revelation, hearing this turned on a light for me. I realized that if I want to succeed and thrive in my legal career, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands. Although I’m surrounded by a network of lawyers who will build me up, ultimately the success of my career depends on me, and especially on what I do early on in my career. more

Can I Find My Voice?

Now some of you are going to read my blog below and say – this is entirely inconsistent with your approach to counsel during your recent trial. I am going to tell you it is not. That particular circumstance was one where I carefully calculated the return for not just me but for my client. Despite the healthy debate around whether I was right or wrong, I stand by that decision. That does not; however, mean that this is generally the approach I take. What I have to say in the following few paragraphs is who I am and really who I continue to strive to become. I hope you enjoy the read and will find your voice too. more

LiL Round Up – Our Top 5 Blog Posts from January – April 2022!

Check out our top 5 blog posts from January – April including insights from Jennifer Woznesensky, Roshni Veerapen, Erin Hatch, Una Radoja and Kim Jakeman, QC. more

Roe v. Wade – the Legal Drama Down South and Why We Should Care

Roe v. Wade was a 1973 decision of the US Supreme Court. The case came about in 1970 when Jane Roe (a fictional name used in court documents to protect the plaintiff’s identity) filed a lawsuit against Henry Wade, who was the district attorney of Dallas County Texas, the county that Roe resided in. The underlying case was a challenge to a Texas law which made abortion illegal except by doctor’s orders to save a woman’s life. Roe alleged that the law was unconstitutionally vague and abridged her right of personal privacy. more

Sometimes it is Okay to Say Nothing at All

Recently I was involved in a lengthy trial where, impressively, five of the seven lawyers in the courtroom were women. The judge and clerk were also women. One male lawyer was a senior member at the bar and the other male lawyer was from a younger generation of lawyers. Trial is difficult enough but during this trial, for the first time I can remember in 32 years of practice, I had to decide whether I should call out a senior male colleague during trial for his chauvinistic behavior directed at me but impacting all the women in the room. I decided to say nothing, and, in my view, it was the right choice, albeit not an easy one. more


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