For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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The Subjective Nature of “Having It All”

“Jacinda Ardern retires: Can women really have it all?” While Thursday’s (original) BBC Headline was, in my non-journalist’s opinion, tired and clearly meant to evoke some knee-jerk reaction about the state of women in society, it was, at least, thought-provoking. Like many others, my first thought was to wonder if the BBC would ever ask “can men really have it all?” It was more of a rhetorical, rage-filled thought, I confess. But now that the red glow has dissipated from my eyes, the thoughts and questions are more nuanced: what does it mean to have it “all” and do we really want it “all” anyway? more

Claiming Your Authority

I recently listened to a podcast on the topic of “Claiming your Authority” by host Kara Loewentheil, a lawyer turned life coach from New York. It had me thinking about how I claim my authority in my own personal and professional life. The ideas introduced in the podcast are not novel – Kara discusses how women are conditioned to think and behave in certain ways. Typically, this entails women taking a back seat when it comes to decision-making, women being quiet and “polite”, and women taking on more traditional roles in family and work life. more

Guest Blogger, Brooke Fernandes, reminds us why making assumptions about others in a professional context is not only inappropriate but – hello! – uncalled for

Are you old enough? A typical exchange in the professional context: Me: “Hi, I’m Brooke. I’m a lawyer.” Client or allied professional: “I hope I won’t offend you…but, are you old enough to be lawyer?” more

Guest Blogger, Alexa Kingsmith, dishes winning tactics for disconnecting from work during the holidays

We all have good intentions but let’s be honest, figuring out how to really disconnect can be tricky – regardless of the time of year. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for enjoying some down time over the holidays, I thought I’d share a few tips that work for me. Give them a try this year and take a moment to truly un-plug and soak up time with your friends and family. more

Guest Blogger, Janelle O’Connor, discusses women supporting other women in law and how advantageous it is to find power in the pack.

I’ve never subscribed to the whole “be masculine to be successful in law” thing. I am authentic at work. I often wear mini skirts. I am known for my empathy. And after attending the Trial Lawyers’ Association of British Columbia’s (TLABC) Annual Women Lawyers’ Retreat, I have been thinking more about the need for women to more actively support other women in our profession. For almost 20 years, I have heard female lawyers talk about the “boys’ club”. Men are notorious for supporting each other in this profession. Why aren’t women? more


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