For Women in Law By Women in Law

Let the Progress Motivate You to Make More Progress

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While finalizing a recent proposal, I took a moment to pause and consider the team I had been working with to complete the submission. I thought about the lead lawyers on the project, two senior female lawyers that Chair practice groups at my firm. I thought of my female COO, providing guidance and insight, and the female assistant on my team who championed some of the research related to the proposal. And, last but not least, I thought of our female graphic designer – making all the legalese included in the submission aesthetically pleasing and easier to digest.

I proudly reflected on the strong female leaders, mentors, and team members I’ve had thus far during my career and considered how this makes not only my firm, but all firms stronger. While working with the women at my firm – both in leadership positions and otherwise – I’ve found what seems to be an endless number of advantages. Here are some I thought I’d share:

We Provide Diverse Perspectives

Whether it’s a casual conversation by the coffee machine or a more formal meeting, women bring different perspectives and experiences. The women I’ve worked with challenge the status quo and do so respectfully – to make sure we walk away having made the best possible decision for the situation in question. This can be invaluable when it comes to shaping policies and making decisions that affect a diverse range of people.


We Improve Firm Culture

In my experience, women leaders can help to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. This is important not only for women, but for all employees. When everyone feels valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to the success of the firm.


We Build Up Other Women

I don’t know about you – but seeing women in leadership positions when I was not, gave me the confidence to think that one day, that could be me. Female leaders are invaluable role models and mentors for other women in the legal profession. By providing support, guidance, and mentorship, women leaders can help other women overcome obstacles and succeed in their careers. But – if you follow LiL – you already know that.


While the days before a proposal submission can be stressful, this moment of pause reinvigorated me. Even with the pressure of an important deadline looming, I felt supported. I felt empowered. I felt capable. And I know I wouldn’t have felt this way if it wasn’t for the exceptional female support system I had around me. Although some of the statistics we see and interactions we have can be discouraging – sometimes you must sit back, reflect, and let the progress motivate you to make more progress.


About the Author

Alexa is the Acting Director of Marketing at Harper Grey.  She serves as the Treasurer of LiL and is also a member of LiL’s Marketing Committee and Strategic Planning Committee where she assists with content development, event organization and all other things LiL! She is active in the legal community and  is the President of the BC Legal Management Association (BCLMA). Passionate about mentorship and inclusion, Alexa is keen to expand the association’s membership to include the next generation of legal leaders in BC.

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