For Women in Law By Women in Law

Dear LiL: How do you find the time to make sure you cover the bases in practice and life? Signed ~ Just Curious

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Dear Just Curious:

So many days in my practice of life and law I wonder how I can manage to make it through the day.

Each day is a new day of challenges and feelings of general incompetence. We all know that feeling but more recently it seemed to overwhelm me. I would leave the house in the morning wondering how I will fail to meet my expectations of myself in my personal life and my commitment to my husband and daughter only to be met with a whole new series of challenges and ‘to dos’ at my office. This feeling went on for about six weeks before I realized it was taking its toll.

How did I make it through that challenging time?  It really was a game of perseverance. Knowing that somehow and at some point soon life would settle down and I would feel like I had a bit more control but even more importantly I shared how I was feeling with a friend. We went for a walk outside where I could breathe and take advantage of the endorphins that come along with being outside. But importantly I shared with my friend how I was feeling. We talked about the mountain I felt I had to climb every day and she told me about perspective. Just those two things, walking and talking to someone I trusted helped. But what really helped was the link she sent me after the fact. This article made me laugh and made me realize that so many of us have the same feeling. The solution – The I Don’t List. Have a read, you will enjoy and maybe it will help you slow down too.

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