For Women in Law By Women in Law

Dear LiL: Some days I need to be in two places at the same time. Do you have any tips on how to make this happen? Signed ~ What’s the Trick

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Dear What’s The Trick:

Planning is the key to accomplishing this goal. At the end of each week I review the next week. I look at each appointment and try to determine if there are going to be any conflicts and how I might walk the fine line to meet all my obligations including; family obligations, my client meetings, marketing events, firm administration and of course gym time. All are important priorities but some weeks, before the week even begins, I know I am in trouble. So I plan!

I am very lucky to have a computer and phone that allow me to take my practice anywhere. I highly recommend this if you can make it work. I also communicate with my family and anyone else who will be affected by my schedule, usually on Friday or Saturday so that nothing is a surprise. I will give you an example from a few weeks ago. I had a client call at 3:30pm and a meeting at 4:00pm which was out of the office a 15-minute drive away. Seemed impossible, but already on the weekend I had planned to leave the office after another meeting ended at 2:45pm. I drove to the venue for my 4:00pm meeting and took the call with my client in my car taking notes on my computer. Finished the call just before 4:00pm and made the Women in Tech talk. I did both without compromising either because I was able to plan in advance.

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