Dear LiL: Do you ever get to a place of professional satisfaction or will I always be chasing something just out of reach?
Dear What’s it All About:
This is a question that most of us ask ourselves daily, am I here yet? As I get older I realize the only place I can live in is the present and each day I have to find a way to like where I am at. This doesn’t mean I don’t plan for the future or take lessons from the past it simply means I need to accept where I am at today otherwise I will never be satisfied.
I think the problem arises in law because there will always be the elusive argument, issue or client that keeps us teetering on the edge. You constantly ask yourself how I can attract that one client, win that one case or nail that one transaction. All good questions for which you can develop strategic answers but don’t beat yourself up today for what may or may not be tomorrow. And don’t dislike yourself for the mistake you made in court yesterday, learn and move on.