For Women in Law By Women in Law

COVID strikes again: could the pandemic erase strides made by women in the workplace?

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On September 30th, Lean In Canada and McKinsey & Company released their 6th “Women In The Workplace Report” which focused on how COVID-19 could erase gains made by women in management and senior leadership positions (read the report here). On Thursday, October 22, the Vancouver Chapter of Lean in Canada will host a virtual discussion titled, “The Pandemic and Gender Equality: Addressing the Regressive Effects” focusing on the individual journeys of three women battling the repercussions of the pandemic in their workplaces.

The Vancouver Chapter of Lean in Canada dedicates itself to empowering women to take action by providing support and opportunities for members to connect. Read more about Lean In Vancouver here.

Register for tomorrow’s discussion by clicking here.

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