For Women in Law By Women in Law

BLSA and the University of Calgary launch new admissions process for black law students.

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Application processes are typically created to be streamlined and efficient, boiling the applicant down to a series of canned answers and often failing to capture a holistic picture of the individual applying. This is particularly detrimental to groups of people who are failed to be seen amongst their peers.

The Calgary chapter of the Black Law Students’ Association and the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary worked to develop a new admission process for prospective black law students. This process will allow applicants who self-identify as black, to submit an essay speaking to their personal experience and the barriers they have had to overcome. These students will continue to be measured against the same admissions criteria but the new process will allow them to be more visible amongst other applicants. The new application process comes after a call to action presented earlier in the summer by the Calgary chapter of the BLSA to make the law school more diverse.

Read the article here.



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